3rd Transnational Project Meeting

3rd Transnational Project Meeting

The meeting was hosted by Epilepsy Alliance Europe, October 31-November 1, 2023, in Dublin (Ireland).
2 days discussing the research results collected at European level, the organisational and clinical literature analysis made and the drafts of the 14 learning modules, designed in 2 specific learning paths, by the EpilepsyPower project Partners:
1) for people/students/workers with epilepsy;
2) for managers, entrepreneurs, executives and HR professionals.
Subsequently, working groups will be organized in national Collaborative Labs (in Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Ireland and France) to assess the real needs of people with epilepsy regarding their employability, workplace safety and communication with employers and colleagues in order to define some best practices.
The ultimate goal is not only to implement inclusion systems for people with epilepsy, enhancing their abilities, but to spread a people management culture that increases the number of "epilepsy-friendly" corporate social responsibility initiatives.
For further details: https://epilepsypower-project.eu/en/home