
4th Transnational Project Meeting

The meeting was hosted by Luiss Business School, on 17th of January, 2025, in Rome (Italy). All partners implemented very fruitf

Newsletter 4

The ambitious objectives of EpilepsyPOWER project aim at improving PwE opportunities of inclusion in the job market. The final objective is to increase the number of people engaged in relevant corporate social responsibility epilepsy-friendly initiatives; to spread a culture and a practice for the implementation of inclusion systems for PwE, based on the enhancement and valorisation of their abilities; support universities, companies, micro and small enterprises in inclusion improvement.

Multiplier event

Vratsa, Bulgaria The team of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa organized and carried out a Multiplier event for the dissemination

3rd Transnational Project Meeting

The meeting was hosted by Epilepsy Alliance Europe, October 31-November 1, 2023, in Dublin (Ireland). 2 days discussing the research results

newsletter 3

EpilepsyPOWER project is co-funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ funding programme and actively driven by partner organisations in Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Ireland and France, as introduced in our first newsletter. The goal of EpilepsyPOWER is to improve opportunities for the inclusion of people with epilepsy (PwE) in employment.

Newsletter 2

EpilepsyPOWER project is co-funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus Plus funding programme and actively driven by partner organisations in Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Ireland and France, as introduced in our first newsletter.

Newsletter 1

Background & introduction Some work environments pose many possible hazards for people with epilepsy, while others may not be suitable for someone with seizures. If someone has epilepsy, it means they tend to have epileptic seizures. Epilepsy is not necessarily a life-long diagnosis, and doctors may consider that someone no longer has epilepsy if they go without seizures for a long enough time. Electrical activity is happening in our brain all the time. A seizure happens when there is a sudden burst of intense electrical activity in the brain. This is often referred to as epileptic activity. The epileptic activity causes a temporary disruption to the way the brain normally works, so the brain’s messages become mixed up. The brain is responsible for all the functions of the body. What happens during a seizure will depend on where in the brain the epileptic activity begins, and how widely and quickly it spreads. For this reason, there are many different types of seizure, and each person will experience epilepsy in a way that is unique to them.